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September 4, 2023
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September 4, 2023
Africa’s Resilience in the Face of Climate Crisis
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The African Climate Summit serves as a stark reminder of the pressing and immediate need to address climate change in one of the most vulnerable regions on our planet. Africa is on the frontlines of climate impact, experiencing rising temperatures, increased droughts, floods, and unpredictable weather patterns that disrupt livelihoods and threaten the well-being of millions. It is a testament to the resilience and determination of African nations that they have come together to confront these challenges head-on.
President William Ruto speaking at the official opening of the Africa Climate Summit at KICC, Nairobi
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Ruto welcomed all delegates who responded to the call to attend the Summit. "I welcome everyone to the Africa Climate Summit. You have not just stepped into a conference hall but into the future. This is no ordinary summit," he said. "We are all convened here for the first-ever Africa climate summit so as to come up with solutions in tackling the climate crisis," he said.
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